Does God Exist?
- The Best Argument for God by Patrick Flynn
- Five Proofs of the Existence of God by Edward Feser
- How Reason Can Lead to God: A Philosopher’s Bridge to Faith by Joshua Rasmussen
- Knowledge and Christian Belief by Alvin Plantinga
- Nature’s Case for God: A Brief Biblical Argument by John M. Frame
- Proofs of God: Classical Arguments from Tertullian to Barth by Matthew Levering
- Stealing from God: Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case by Frank Turek
- The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God: Why New Atheism Grew Old and Secular Thinkers are Considering Christianity Again by Justin Brierley
- There is a God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind by Antony Flew
- Why I Believe in a Personal God: The Credibility of Faith in a Doubting Culture by George Carey