Athens and Jerusalem

Toward the end of the second century, the theologian Tertullian asked, “What does Athens have to do with Jerusalem? What concord is there between the Academy and the Church?” In these questions from Tertullian, a display of Christian theological resistance to Greek philosophical influence is evident.

But already in the first century, the Apostle Paul understood the role of philosophy in teaching theology. During his missionary journey to Athens, Paul reasoned with the Stoic and Epicurean philosophers in the marketplace, and again on the Areopagus. Subsequently, what does Athens have to do with Jerusalem? Or phrased differently, what does philosophy have to do with theology?

Philosophical reasoning is an essential tool used by theologians to develop and explain coherent theological concepts, principles, and doctrines. The classical tradition of philosophy remains the primary dialogue partner with theology in the domain of catechetics. And in the encyclical Fides et Ratio by John Paul II (religious) faith and (philosophical) reason are like two wings on which the human spirit soars toward the truth.

Finally, J. P. Moreland and William Lane Craig  state in their book Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview that there are at least five reasons why philosophy is integral to the study and teaching of theology. 1) Philosophy aids in the task of apologetics. 2) Philosophy also aids the church in its task of polemics. 3) Philosophy is a human expression of the image of God in us because God is a rational being. 4) Philosophy saturates systematic theology and functions as its handmaid. 5) Philosophy as a discipline assists the spiritual discipline of study.

~ Boethius ~

For additional steps in our journey, you may want to read the article “The Three-City Problem of Modern Life” by Luke Burgis.

Burgis addresses the question, “What does Athens have to do with Jerusalem – and what do either have to do with Silicon Valley?”

Also, the Word on Fire Show with Robert Barron addresses this same article starting at 2:58 and ending at 22:58 on the podcast.