As I stated earlier in Part 1, we are commissioned to make disciples of all nations and teach them what Jesus taught his disciples (Matthew 28:19 – 20), while simultaneously being prepared to make a reasonable defense to anyone regarding our own hope in Jesus (1 Peter 3:15). Whereas apologetics involves a defense of the central teachings of Christianity, catechesis involves a delivery of the faithful teachings of Christianity (Jude 3). This is why apologetics and catechesis have a mutually beneficial relationship with one another.
The Latinized word catechesis comes the Greek term katekhesis meaning “instruction by word of mouth,” and from katekhein meaning “to resound or to echo.” Prior to the invention of the printing press in 1450, learning often took place by recitation and repetition. A teaching would be recited by the instructor, and the student would be instructed to “echo” it or repeat it back to the instructor. The “speak-and-echo” method of catechesis transitioned into the “question-and-answer” method after the printing press made it possible to fix the Q & A format in printed catechisms. This method is still in popular use today as evidenced by An Anglican Catechism, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and Luther’s Small Catechism.
Most catechisms, both past and present, outline their format around the Apostles’ Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord’s Prayer. You might think of this as an outline for doctrine, discipline, and devotion. Most catechisms start with the Apostles’ Creed. (A creed is a statement of faith, and the word creed comes from the Latin term credo meaning “I believe.”) A notable exception is Luther’s Small Catechism. Since the “law” of the Old Testament came before the “gospel” of the New Testament, Martin Luther placed the Ten Commandments first in his catechism, then followed by the Apostles’ Creed. Some catechetical outlines are as follows:
Luther’s Small Catechism
- Ten Commandments – Law Shows Our Sin
- Apostles’ Creed – Gospel Shows Our Savior
- Lord’s Prayer – Life of Prayer
- Sacraments – Means of Grace
Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Apostles’ Creed – Faith Professed
- Sacraments – Faith Celebrated
- Ten Commandments – Faith Lived
- Lord’s Prayer – Faith Prayed
An Anglican Catechism
- Gospel – Beginning With Christ
- Apostles’ Creed & Sacraments – Believing In Christ
- Lord’s Prayer – Belonging To Christ
- Ten Commandments – Becoming Like Christ
~ Boethius ~
For an additional step in our journey, you may want to view the brief video from R. C. Sproul’s Ligonier Ministries discussing the importance of Spurgeon’s Catechism, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Westminster Catechism.