Philosophy of Technology & Technology Ethics

In his book Technology Ethics: Responsible Innovation and Design Strategies, Steven Umbrello examines three classic conceptions of technology. They are 1) instrumentalism, 2) determinism, and 3) constructivism. After examining their pros and cons, Umbrello then explains the advantages of these classic conceptions as the building blocks of a fourth conception of technology known as 4) interactionalism.

Instrumentalism views technologies merely as tools or means for attaining precise goals or ends. This view recognizes the practical and functional value of technology. Nevertheless, this view oversimplifies the intricate connection between technology and society, and it fails to underscore the fact that technology is neither neutral nor value-free.

Determinism views technologies as the primary driving forces behind social, cultural, and economic changes. However, since people have the ability to shape the way technology is developed and influence the way it is used, these same people have agency over technology. That is to say, people are more than mere passive recipients of what is determined to be a technological change.

Constructivism, on the other hand, views technologies as social constructions being shaped and influenced by social, cultural, and political factors. This view recognizes that technology is neither neutral nor objective because it is shaped and influenced by both the people and institutions participating in its development and use. And even while technology is being shaped and influenced by these factors, technology in turn is concurrently shaping and influencing those very same factors itself.

Interactionalism is a mixture of the three classic conceptions, and it views technologies as interactional with society since they do not exist apart from one another, and they perpetually affect one another. Furthermore, interactionalism is the foundation of the contemporary ethics of technology and design. The method of value sensitive design (VSD) incorporates the moral values and priorities of the people affected by any particular technology. And although interactionalism is not the same as value sensitive design, it is closely aligned with this approach to design.

~ Boethius ~