Apologetics and Catechesis – Part 1

After nearly three decades of both teaching and pastoral ministry, I can confidently state that apologetics and catechesis have a mutually beneficial relationship with one another. Where you have supportive apologetics, you also have better informed catechesis. And where you have informed catechesis, you also have an openness to apologetics. Afterall, we are commissioned to make disciples of all nations and teach them what Jesus taught his disciples (Matthew 28:19 – 20), while simultaneously being prepared to make a reasonable defense to anyone regarding our own hope in Jesus (1 Peter 3:15).

The word apologetics comes from the Greek term apologia meaning “to provide a defense.” Apologetics is a logical tool of philosophy used in theology to demonstrate a statement is either provable by reason, or at least consistent with reason. Apologetics involves a defense of the central teachings of Christianity such as the existence of God and the deity of Jesus.

For example, there are four traditional arguments used to “prove” the existence of God. 1) The cosmological argument is also known as the argument from creation. Since the cosmos needs both an originating cause and a conserving cause, there are two forms of the cosmological argument. 1a) The first form states the universe was caused at the beginning, and this form is often referred to as the kalam argument. 1b) The second form states the universe needs a cause for its continuing existence. 2) The teleological argument is also known as the argument from design. 3) The moral argument is also known as the argument from the moral law. 4) The ontological argument is also known as the argument from the idea of a perfect or necessary being. The arguments are as follows:

Argument from Creation: First Form – Originating Cause

  1. The universe had a beginning.
  2. Anything that had a beginning must have been caused by something else.
  3. Therefore, the universe was caused by something else, which we call “God.”

Argument from Creation: Second Form – Conserving Cause

  1. Finite, changing things exist.
  2. Every finite, changing thing must be caused by something else.
  3. There cannot be an infinite regress of these causes.
  4. Therefore, there must be a first uncaused cause of every finite, changing thing that exists, which we call “God.”

Argument from Design

  1. All complex design implies a designer.
  2. The universe has complex design.
  3. Therefore, the universe must have had a designer, which we call “God.”

Argument from Moral Law

  1. All people are conscious of an objective moral law.
  2. Objective moral laws imply a moral law giver.
  3. Therefore, there must be a supreme moral law giver, which we call “God.”

Argument from the Idea of a Perfect or Necessary Being

  1. Whatever perfection can be attributed to the most perfect being possible (conceivable) must be attributed to it, otherwise it would not be the most perfect being possible.
  2. Existence is a perfection that can be attributed to the most perfect being.
  3. Therefore, existence must be attributed to the most perfect being, which we call “God.”

~ Boethius ~

For additional steps in our journey, you may want to read the article “If 2+2=4, Then God Exists” by Christopher Kaczor.

Also, you are encouraged to watch several insightful animated videos on arguments for the existence of God and the deity of Jesus from William Lane Craig.