Author: Boethius

  • Epistemology – Part 3: Rationalism and Empiricism

    In Part 1 we learned that epistemology is the study of knowledge, and that since the time of Plato and Aristotle, JTB (justified true belief) has been the standard definition of knowledge. In Part 2 we learned that both logic and epistemology rely heavily on the distinction between true and false. And within epistemology, there…

  • Epistemology – Part 2: Truth

    As I stated earlier in Part 1, epistemology is the study of knowledge, or how we know what we know. Since the time of Plato and Aristotle, JTB (justified true belief) has been the standard understanding of knowledge. And even though JTB is not a sufficient condition for knowledge, JTB is a necessary condition for…

  • Epistemology – Part 1: Knowledge

    Epistemology is a branch of philosophy that deals with what we can know and the nature of our knowledge. The Greek term episteme means “knowledge.” Therefore, epistemology is the study of knowledge, or how we know what we know. Since the time of Plato and Aristotle, JTB (justified true belief) has been the standard understanding…

  • Peace of Jerusalem

    During his official visit to the United Nations on October 2, 1979, the Dove of Peace was presented to the UN by Pope John Paul II. This mosaic is a reproduction of the original mosaic from the Constantinian Basilica completed in the 12th century. As a young man who lived through the invasion of Poland…

  • Rosh Hashanah 2024/5785

    According to the Jewish calendar, Rosh Hashanah is the birthday of the universe, the day God created Adam and Eve, and is also celebrated as the Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanah 5785 begins at sundown on the evening of October 2, 2024 and ends after nightfall on October 4, 2024. Rosh Hashanah is the only…

  • Holy Michael and All Angels

    “Everlasting God, you have ordained and constituted in a wonderful order the ministries of angels and mortals: Mercifully grant that, as your holy angels always serve and worship you in heaven, so by your appointment they may help and defend us here on earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you…

  • Jesus the Christ

    “Pilate wrote a notice and had it placed on the cross: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS Lots of the Judeans read this notice, because the place where Jesus was crucified was close to the city. It was written in Hebrew, Latin and Greek” (John 19:19-20 The New Testament for Everyone). For over…

  • Prayer for a Marriage

    “O God, you have so consecrated the covenant of marriage that in it is represented the spiritual unity between Christ and his Church: Send your blessing upon these your servants, that they may so love, honor, and cherish each other in faithfulness and patience, in wisdom and true godliness, that their home may be a…

  • Constitution Day

    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. (Preamble to the…